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Does My Teen Driver Need a Dash Camera?

Does My Teen Driver Need a Dash Camera?

Answering The Common Question On If You Should a Dash Camera In Your Teen Drivers Car! 

If you are a parent of a teen driver, the day you hand the keys to them can be an exciting, but frightening one at the same time. Filled with an array of emotions, all rooting back to their safety being of the utmost concern. Furthermore, with teen drivers being 3x more likely to get in a crash than other age groups, your concerns care more than validated. 

While you can’t always be in the passenger seat, but you can take steps to protect them. Meet the Owlcam dash camera—your teen’s technological guardian angel. Providing safety, accountability, and peace of mind, Owlcam helps you keep an extra set of eyes on the road when they need it most.

What Are The Key Reasons For a Teen Driver Dash Camera For Monitoring?

Teen driving comes with significant risks. Inexperience combined with potential distractions creates a dangerous combination. Consider these sobering notes on this demographic of drivers:

  • 39% of high school students admit to texting or emailing while driving
  • Distracted driving remains the leading cause of teenage car crashes
  • 56% of teens who died in crashes were not wearing seat belts
  • Oftentimes they are pointed the blame even if innocent due to their age and lack of experience.

Beyond these statistics the pure peace of mind a solution such as the Owlcam offers parents is priceless. From day one of your kid taking the wheel have the visibility into their behavior and whereabouts you deserve. 

How Owlcam Protects Your Teen Driver

The Owlcam dash camera offers comprehensive protection through advanced monitoring technology that allows you to better monitor and improve your teens' driving. 

1. Video Documentation 24/7

With dual HD cameras recording both inside and outside the vehicle, Owlcam captures everything from potential traffic violations to critical incidents. If an accident occurs, you'll have an exact account of what happened, protecting your teen from false claims or misunderstandings.

2. Prevent & Discourage Distractions

Owlcam helps discourage dangerous driving behaviors by providing real-time insights. Teens are less likely to engage in risky actions when they know their driving is being monitored. As a parent being able to watch historical and live footage of your teen driver allows you to discourage and identify unfortunate trends in your kids driving. These can include cell phone use while driving, excessive passenger interactions, unsafe driving maneuvers, seat belt non-compliance, and more! 

Teen Driver Dash Camera

The mere presence of a Owlcam dash camera has been shown to decrease these tendencies of distractions that can result in fatal crashes.

3. Crash Reports

One of the neat features of the Owlcam dash camera solution is the ability to generate a crash report from your timeline of historical driving footage. This crash report provides both the inside and outside camera, the location mapped, time/date, and also the ability to populate other key information such insurance info. Don't let your teen driver be wrongly accused by someone they are involved in a crash with Owlcam by their side, immediately get the footage to the police and your insurance company promptly with this great feature. 

Talking To Your Team About The Benefits of a Dash Camera

Introducing a dash camera requires a delicate approach. Emphasize that this is an act of love, not distrust. Explain how the Owlcam:

  • Helps them become a better driver
  • Protects them in case of accidents
  • Provides an objective record of their driving
  • Safeguards the vehicle & their belongings with 24/7 protection and guard mode.

Like a fleet manager outlining the benefits to the business's drivers, talking to your kids about the benefits this solutions must be sold as a win-win to help have as little resistance to getting them added in their vehicle. 


The Teen Driver Dash Camera Your Beloved Kid Needs

For parents of teen drivers, an Owlcam dash camera is more than a gadget – it's a safety net. It bridges the gap between your protective instincts and your teen's newfound independence.

Are you ready to give your teen driver the gift of safety and yourself the gift of peace of mind? Consider an Owlcam dash camera – because sometimes, technology truly can help keep our loved ones safe.

Click the button below to explore your Owlcam Membership today! 



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