Owlcam Account and Billing FAQ's
Guide to Owlcam Account & Billing:
Frequently Asked Questions Answered
Welcome to our comprehensive overview of everything Owlcam Account & Billing! Whether you're a current member or considering an Owlcam, this article covers everything regarding how to manage your account. Let's dive in!
How Do I Update My Credit Card?
- Log in to your account here: https://owlcam.com/account/login
- Select the “Address & Payment Details” tab on the right-hand side.
- On the next screen, scroll to the bottom and select “Manage Payment Methods.”
- On this screen, you can edit or add a payment method.
How Can I Swap My Membership Plan?
- Yes, you can swap your membership plan. Please contact us via email at support@owlcam.com or via online chat. One of our OwlFam team members will be happy to assist you.
How Can I Update My Billing Address?
- Log in to your account here: https://owlcam.com/account/login
- Select the “Address & Payment Details” tab on the right-hand side.
- On the next screen, scroll to the bottom and select “Manage Payment Methods.
- On this screen, you can select the card that you need to update the address for and then select the “edit” button to update your address.
How Can I Cancel My Membership?
- Log in to your account here: https://owlcam.com/account/login
- On the right-hand side, select the “Manage Subscriptions” tab.
- Select the subscription you wish to cancel on the next screen by clicking “Manage this subscription.”
- On this screen you can scroll to the bottom and select “Cancel This Subscription.”
How Can I Reactivate My Membership?
- You can reactivate your Owlcam by following the steps below:
- Visit the Owlcam activation page: https://owlcam.com/pages/register-your-owlcam
- You will select the number of cameras you wish to activate
- You will select the membership plan that you would like
- Enter in the camera serial number of the camera you would like to activate
- Proceed to checkout, log into your account, and pay for your membership. Your camera will be activated.
I Was Gifted An Owlcam. How Do I Activate It And My Membership?
If you have an Owlcam that was gifted to you. You can scan the QR code on the box to activate your camera, and 1 month free.
- The QR will take you to this link https://owlcam.com/pages/gift-activation
- You will select the number of cameras you wish to activate
- You will select the membership plan that you would like
- Enter the camera serial numbers of the cameras you would like to activate
- You will then proceed to checkout, at checkout you will not be charged. Your 1 month free will be applied. Your first charge will start the following month.
I Purchased A Used Owlcam. How Do I Activate It?
If you purchased a used Owlcam, you must ensure the camera has been unpaired from the old user mobile app and billing account. Once that has been done you can follow the steps below to get it activated:
- Visit the Owlcam activation page: https://owlcam.com/pages/register-your-owlcam
- You will select the number of cameras you wish to activate
- You will select the membership plan that you would like
- Enter in the camera serial number of the camera you would like to activate
- Proceed to checkout and pay for your membership. Your camera will be activated.
- Proceed to follow the steps on the Owlcam mobile to install your camera and connect the camera to the Owlcam mobile app.
Note: If the camera you used is still paired with the old user's account, you cannot activate it. You will need to have the old user email the OwlFam support team to confirm their account details and let them know they want the camera unpaired.