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Owlcam Mobile App FAQ's

Owlcam Mobile App FAQ's

Guide to Owlcam Mobile App:
Frequently Asked Questions Answered

Welcome to our comprehensive overview of everything Owlcam Mobile App! Whether you're a current member or considering an Owlcam, this article covers everything from membership benefits to camera technical specifications. Let's dive in!

How do I upgrade to The New Owlcam App?

  1. Uninstall/Remove the old Owlcam app from your phone
  2. Download the new Owlcam Mobile App
    • Available on Apple App Store or Google Play Store
    • Use the same phone number that you used with your old Owlcam app to log in 
      to the new Owlcam app
    • You will receive an SMS verification code; enter that code

Where Are All My Videos Saved?

  • Driving and parked video footage is stored on the camera’s internal memory. All auto-detected events, such as impacts, break-ins, bumps, and glass breaks, are stored in your secure cloud. OkPresto events are also stored in the cloud. Each event is stored in your cloud for 60 days.

Is The OWLCAM App Compatible With My Phone?

  • Owlcam App is compatible with iPhones (7 and above) and top Android phones.

How Do I Add Another Camera?

You can add up to 3 cameras to your Owlcam by watching this video or following the steps below:

  • From your main camera view on the middle navigation bar, select the arrow next to “My Owlcam” or “Your Car Name”
  • Swipe left to add a camera or to view another camera on your account.
  • When adding another camera, follow the app instructions to scan the camera's QR code.

How Do I Switch Camera Views?

This quick video overviews switching between your camera views on the new Owlcam mobile app.

  • From your main camera view click the "blue OC button" to switch from inside to outside view and vice versa. This can also be done using the live view shown in this video. You can also switch from views when in landscape view by tapping the blue camera icon, as shown in this video.

How Do I Download Video Footage & Share?


This quick overview video details how to create and share a marked clip from any of your Owlcam's footage. Once the marked clip is created, you can share it, download it, or create a crash report!

1. Find your desired footage

  • Go to History
  • Scroll to or filter by date and time
  • Optionally, filter by driving or parked statu

2. Select camera view

  • Click the play button of the inside or outside video or select the 3 dots in the top right corner of the video

3. Set the starting point

  • Move the video playback scrubber to your desired start point
  • Pause the video

4. Create a 'Marked Clip'

  • Tap the share icon in the top right corner
  • Choose clip duration: 30 seconds, 1 minute, or 5 minutes
  • Press the blue save button 5. Wait for cloud processing
  • The clip will be saved as an event in the cloud
  • You'll receive a notification when it's ready

6. Access your 'Marked Clip'

  • Find it in History by setting the filter to "Marked"

7. Use your clip

  • Tap the 3 dots in the top right corner of the video
  • Options: share video, download video, or create a crash report


How Do I Delete Clips From The App?

This quick video above gives an overview of how to delete clips:

  • Navigate to your history tab. At the top right corner, select the filter icon.
  • Under events, select the type of event you would like to delete and select “Apply”.
  • Now, you can scroll to the video you want to delete. Click the three dots in the right corner of the video and then select the Delete event option.
  • You will then be asked to confirm if you want to delete video.
  • Once an event video is deleted, you will see a success message. Deleted event videos can never be restored.

How Do I Share Videos With The OwlFam Community?

This quick video gives an overview of how to share your videos with the OwlFam Community!

  • Navigate to the History section, where you can either scroll through events or use the filter feature to find specific clips. The filter option is beneficial when selecting event types to share with the OwlFam team.
  • Locate your desired video clip and click the three dots (menu icon) next to the clip. 
  • Select "Share to Owlcam" followed by "Next"
  • Enter a title for your clip
  • Optionally, please provide your email and Instagram handle (we appreciate this information as it allows us to tag and thank you for sharing)
    Once you see the success message, your clip has been submitted

Note: Upload times may vary depending on the video size and cellular signal strength.

How to Setup Your Alerts & Notifications?

You can follow the steps below to set your alert and notification preferences.

  • Select ‘Settings” from the bottom navigation bar from your main camera view.
  •  Select “Owlcam Settings” from the options listed
  •  Select “Alerts and Notifications” from the options listed
  •  Review how the Alerts work
  • Toggle on “Light Movement” notifications if you would like notifications for smaller movements, such as getting into your car.

How to Set Your Video Recording Preferences?

 Video recording preferences control how long videos are stored on your Owlcam 160 GB internal storage.  Events (crashes, break-ins, bumps, glass breaks, and Ok, Presto’s) are always auto-saved and uploaded to your cloud in real-time.

  • Select ‘Settings” from the bottom navigation bar from your main camera view.
  • Select “Owlcam Settings” from the options listed
  • Select “Loop Recording” from the options listed
  • Select your preferred option: events only, single day, or continuous history.

How to Set Your Video Quality (Recording Resolution)?

You can follow the steps below to set your Video Quality preferences

  • From your main camera view select ‘Settings” from the bottom navigation bar.
  •  Select “Owlcam Settings” from the options listed
  • Select “Video Quality” from the options listed
  • Select the video resolution for both cameras from the options listed;
    • 720pm/72p (both inside and outside)
    • 1440p (outside) / 720p (inside)

How to Setup Guard Mode?

You can follow the steps below to set your Guard Mode preferences

  • Select ‘Settings” from the bottom navigation bar from your main camera view.
  • Select “Owlcam Settings” from the options listed.
  • Select “Guard Mode” from the options listed: 24 hours, 48 hours, or 72 hours

Guard Mode ensures that your camera will record when your car is parked and turned off. You can select up to 72 hours (3 days) of “Guard Mode”. This means your camera will continue detecting events and sending you alerts. Every time you drive and re-park your car your “Guard Mode” hours restart.

Worried about your car battery consumption? No need; your Owlcam is ultra-smart and will detect if a car battery weakens. If this happens, your Owlcam will go into “Low Power Mode.” You will not receive any alerts in Low Power Mode until your car ignition is turned back on.

What Is the Max Video Length That Can Be Downloaded?

You can download your video history in the following lengths:

  • 30-second Clip
  • 1 minute Clip
  • 5-minute Clip

Where to Find Your Camera Firmware Version and Serial Number?

  • You can follow the steps below to locate your camera information
  • From your main camera view select ‘Settings” from the bottom navigation bar.
  •  Select “Owlcam Settings” from the options listed
  •   Select “Camera’s Information” from the options listed
  •   Your camera Firmware version and Serial number can viewed here


  • From your main camera view select ‘Settings” from the bottom navigation bar.
  •  Select “Help” from the options listed.
  • Your camera Firmware version and Serial number can be copied from the bottom

What Is Parking and Driving History?

Parked History

  • Owlcam is on, even when your car is parked and off.  This footage is marked as “Parked” in your Owlcam app and stored on your camera until overwritten, depending on your selected recording settings.
  •  If you want to save and download footage from your parked history, you must create a “Marked Clip. 
  • Parked history is created when your car engine is turned off, and your Owlcam goes into guard mode; it will record per your selected recording settings. 

Driving History

  • Owlcam records every trip you make in your car. This footage is marked as “Driving” in your Owlcam app and is stored on your camera until it is overwritten, depending on your selected recording settings.
  •  If you would like to save and download footage from your ‘Driving History’ you will need to create a “Marked Clip.
  • Driving history is created when your car is turned on and is moving.

Account Administrator - How to Access History of Multiple Cameras


As an account administrator, you can access footage from up to three cameras linked to your account. Here's how to view different types of recordings:

Accessing Cloud Events of Multiple Cameras

  1. Open your main camera view
  2. Select "History"
  3. Tap "Cloud" at the top of the screen
  4. Use the filter icon (top right) to:
    • Choose specific cameras to view
    • Select which cloud events you want to see
  5. Tap "Apply" to view your filtered cloud recordings

Viewing Camera History Footage

  1. Open your main camera view
  2. Select "History."
  3. Tap "Camera" at the top of the screen
  4. Use the filter icon (top right) to:
    • Select a single camera (only one camera can be viewed at a time)
    • Choose between driving or parked footage
    • Set your preferred timeframe
  5. Tap "Apply" to view your selected footage

Note: When viewing driving or parked events, you can only select one camera at a time.

Whether you're focused on security, safety, or convenience, Owlcam provides a robust solution for modern vehicle monitoring. With continuous updates and dedicated support, your Owlcam experience keeps getting better.

Need more help? Contact our support team by visiting our online chat or email us at

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