
This Is What Happens When Former Apple and Dropcam Engineers Turn Their Attention to the Car

By February 9, 2018August 7th, 2020Press

When a bunch of Apple iPhone, Microsoft Hololens, and Dropcam product veterans turn their attention to the car don’t expect a typical dashcam.

Owl, a Palo Alto, Calif.-based company, came out of stealth Thursday with its Owl Car Cam product—an LTE-connected security camera for the car designed to capture crashes, break-ins, dents, and traffic stops as well as the weird or fun moments that happen while driving. The Car Cam, which has dual-facing interior and exterior cameras and can store 24 hours of video, will alert users if something happens to their unattended vehicle. It also allows users capture and share clips through a phone app.

Owl was founded on the idea that video, sensors, and intelligent software can help people deal with real-life events that matter, the company says. However, the company was initially focused on the home, according to founder and CEO Andy Hodge, who ran product development for Apple’s iPod for 10 years and was head of engineering at video-monitoring startup Dropcam until Google’s Nest acquired it for $555 million in 2014.

“We started to build a list of what are the biggest risks to people?,” Hodge told Fortune. “When you start to put that list together it’s impossible not to recognize that the car is where so much more happens. The statistics are just unrelenting. That’s what kicked us sideways.”


Author: Kirsten Korsec